The first full length TV drama series Malcolm ever wrote was taken in to development by BBC Scotland Drama. The show pitched science against religion in a small Scottish town called KINGDOM. Malcolm was commissioned to rewrite the first episode, prepare treatments for subsequent episodes and write a series 'bible'
Movie Short
Malcolm was one of the writers on this fab movie scripted and filmed for Youtube as part of a drive to create content which stimulated and engaged with short connected episodes.
The story about office workers trapped by a pandemic in their fancy dress clothes predicted the worldwide lockdown by five years
Malcolm's new 6 part political thriller has been optioned by a well known film company. The project is under wraps at the moment, but more will be revealed soon.
Malcolm's 6 part comedy drama is in the process of being optioned by a top TV company.
Big news to be announced soon once all contracts are signed.
Malcolm was commissioned to write a topical comedy show for American publishers Conde Nast. The Waggle, produced by Two Four Productions was intended for the web-site of Golf Monthly and featured a Daily Show style format with a golf pro laughing at recent headlines. Malcolm won the top writers spot and was commissioned to write the scripts.